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Monday, March 18, 2019

First Review of Everything Hidden Shall Be Revealed:

The Byzantine Catholic deacon Daniel Gordon Dozier is first out of the gate to read and review my new book, Everything Hidden Shall Be Revealed: Ridding the Church of Abuses of Sex and Power. Here is what he wrote on Facebook:
To me, UGCC Subdeacon Adam is one of the most significant contemporary voices in ecclesiology since he is both conversant in ancient Church structures and their history in East and West, as well as compelling in the case he makes for their proper reappropriation into Catholic ecclesial life which has suffered no shortage of folly as a consequence of Catholicism’s later development of an intrusive and utterly novel papo-centrism in practice. This novelty has caused the normal organs of ecclesial accountability to atrophy, as was seen in Nov 2018 with Pope Francis’ entirely unnecessary and unwarranted interference with the USCCB vote on measures to deal with abuse and episcopal accountability.
This folly is also in part to blame globally for much of the turmoil currently underway in response to the clerical abuses of sex and power.
Adam argues in a manner both orthodox and traditional for the Church to return to its proper sense of Synodality at the parochial, diocesan, national, and universal levels, while respecting and upholding a proper sense of Primacy at each level. In doing so, not only would every particular Church potentially enhance the vibrancy of its common life and mission, it would also ensure proper accountability for its clergy and lay leadership.
I CANNOT recommend this book enough.

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